i tried to be a perfect daughter for you
i tried to be a perfect young sister for you, za
i tried to be a good friend for you, shimabara
i tried to be a nice friend for you, ban, nda
i tried to be a nice chairmate for you, rei
i tried to be a bestfriend for you, fat
i tried to be a cheerful person for you, can
i tried to be a good listener for you, win
i tried to be a clever girl for you, mom
i tried to be a kind person for you, c**
try try and try, i always try to be a person who you like. but sorry if i can't do perfectly like you want. cause i just a human that only can try to do the best.
maaf kalo saya tidak bisa menjadi seperti yang kalian inginkan, tapi saya akan selalu coba menjadi yang terbaik untuk kalian. dan perlu kalian tau bahwa i really really love you all and i don't wanna lost you
eh ada nama gue hahaha. gue kink ya de, you link me too at lollipopalicious.blogspot
BalasHapusthank yoouuuu
hahaha sebenernya itu reisha temen sebangku gue reeeeei tapi its okay aja dah ya
BalasHapushaha iya gue tau kok itu bukan gue, org kt ga prnh sebangku kan ya? hahaha
BalasHapushahaha nah itu dia makanya gue bingung